Our Heritage Trees

Our Heritage Trees

  Visitors to the Northwest will often marvel at how green it is here. Magnificent trees will stretch their great boughs skyward, seemingly oblivious that they’ve taken root in a densely populated urban area. There’s a reason we’re so fortunate...
Hidden Gems of Sauvie Island

Hidden Gems of Sauvie Island

Hidden Gems of Sauvie Island As spring peeks its head out from the blanket of winter, Portlanders will undoubtedly be looking to embrace the out-of-doors at Sauvie Island. Already famous (notorious, even) for its various beaches, there are some lesser known gems...
Portland Adapts to the Sixties – Our Home History

Portland Adapts to the Sixties – Our Home History

Portland Adapts to the Sixties – Our Home History By all accounts, the 1960s were a tumultuous time in Portland and the world at large. The relative peace and prosperity of the 1950s gave way to challenge and change and the looming threat of another war. While...
Portland Prospers in the Fifties – Our Home History

Portland Prospers in the Fifties – Our Home History

Portland Prospers in the Fifties Standing on the rock solid foundation of a post-war economy (lovingly referred by economists as The Golden Age of Capitalism), Portlanders shifted their wartime production focus into one of reproduction. While our industrial workforce...

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