Style travels in waves, lapping at the shore of our social consciousness only to ebb and return on the next tide. The modern architecture style is especially well-suited to Portland and its appeal never leaves the forefront here for long.


entry_IMG_3573_DxO_HDR_lowresYou tend to know mid-century modern homes when you see them because they look like you’d be living in an episode of Mad Men. Evolving from the aftermath of World War II industrial construction efforts, architects could now incorporate steel and plywood into their designs. But this wasn’t simply an application of new materials. Mid-century modern architects truly embraced the artistic power of their profession, their signatures boldly emblazoning Portland neighborhoods to this day.


Modern architecture is an echo of modernist philosophy. It was a rejection of the traditional in favor of embracing the present (and the future) as it presents itself. Unnecessary flourishes and artifice were thrown out in favor of clean, unbroken planes. When you can look up at the naked functionality of a post-and-beam ceiling, you see the structure of your home for exactly what it is.



This design’s unfiltered acceptance of reality extends to Nature as well. Floor-to-ceiling windows invite the outside in. As children grow up in these homes, they don’t have to wait to be tall enough to peer out a window, but are face-to-face with the world as soon as they can crawl. Some modern home designs even feature an atrium, truly treating Nature as a member of the household.


Ensconced in the enviable landscapes of the Pacific Northwest, many of Portland’s contemporary builders are still employing the modern style in today’s homes for its aesthetic appeal. Not only do these properties love the camera lens, but their owners love living in a work of art.


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